We are here to reverse carbon emissions.
Our vision is a habitable planet for present and future generations, where the damage to the climate from human activities has been reversed.
Our mission is to enable safe carbon dioxide removal (CDR) operations globally, with a focus on enhanced rock weathering, based on a certified end-to-end process and aiming for direct measurement of the captured CO2.
Additionality: Our efforts guarantee measurable net removal of CO2, beyond what would have occurred naturally, accounting for all associated emissions and incurred losses.
"The deployment of CDR to counterbalance hard-to-abate residual emissions is unavoidable if net zero carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas emissions are to be achieved"
(IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, 2022)

Rising emissions
Once emitted, CO2 remains in the atmosphere for up to 100 years – continuously warming our planet and disrupting the earth’s climate system.
Natural carbon sinks, such as oceans, forests and soils, operate on timescales of millions of years and are therefore unable to absorb the excess CO2 emitted by human activities.

Reducing emissions is not enough.
Reductions are critical, but will never be able to account for more than 90% of current emissions because some emissions are too expensive or impossible to prevent.
Net-neutral emissions are therefore only achievable by actively removing CO2 from the atmosphere.
In order to reach net-negative emissions, CO2 removal must exceed residual emissions.
Carbon removal
There are already a large number of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) methods available.
Existing CDR methods differ greatly in how reliably they capture carbon and for how long they store it. Yet, the carbon credits they produce are currently regarded as equal.
We focus on Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW):
> We believe this technology is the most scalable option because all required resources, machinery and physical infrastructure are already available today.
> The technology does not compete with other land uses.
Existing carbon removal methods:
AR - Aforestation / Reforestation
SCS - Soil Carbon Sequestration
BC - Biochar
BECCS - Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage
DACCS - Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage
ERW - Enhanced Rock Weathering
(Bubble size represents total CDR potential)

How we do it
The present voluntary carbon market is highly fragmented and does not inspire confidence due to:
- a lack of transparency
- absence of international standards
- no endorsment from the scientific community
reverce provides a consolidated approach!
The science behind
We reverse carbon emissions through scientifically developed methods that are based on natural processes.
If you'd like to know more about how our approach works, we invite you to take a deeper look.

Enhanced Rock Weathering field experiments in Greece, 2022
Our Partners
Team & Stucture
Board of Directors
Scientific Advisory Board
reverce combines decades of experience from business and science.

Support us & become a carbon dioxide remover!
Join reverce and support our mission:
As a farmer, landowner or as a business partner. Just reach out and discuss possibilities with us!