We are here to reverse carbon emissions.


Our vision is a habitable planet for present and future generations, where the damage to the climate from human activities has been reversed.


Our mission is to enable safe carbon dioxide removal (CDR) operations globally, with a focus on enhanced rock weathering, based on a certified end-to-end process and aiming for direct measurement of the captured CO2.


Additionality: Our efforts guarantee measurable net removal of CO2, beyond what would have occurred naturally, accounting for all associated emissions and incurred losses.
Traceability: All our activities are founded on our end-to-end operational standard, which documents all steps accurately and ensures full transparency throughout the entire process.
Accountability: We take responsibility for the entire process and all operational activities and guarantee the value retention of our climate impact.



"The deployment of CDR to counterbalance hard-to-abate residual emissions is unavoidable if net zero carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas emissions are to be achieved"

(IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, 2022)



Rising emissions

Once emitted, CO2 remains in the atmosphere for up to 100 years – continuously warming our planet and disrupting the earth’s climate system.

Natural carbon sinks, such as oceans, forests and soils, operate on timescales of millions of years and are therefore unable to absorb the excess CO2 emitted by human activities.

Reducing emissions is not enough.

Reductions are critical, but will never be able to account for more than 90% of current emissions because some emissions are too expensive or impossible to prevent.

Net-neutral emissions are therefore only achievable by actively removing CO2 from the atmosphere. 

In order to reach net-negative emissions, CO2 removal must exceed residual emissions.


Carbon removal

There are already a large number of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) methods available. 

Existing CDR methods differ greatly in how reliably they capture carbon and for how long they store it. Yet, the carbon credits they produce are currently regarded as equal.

We focus on Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW):

> The carbon is stored for more than 100 000 years. 

> We believe this technology is the most scalable option because all required resources, machinery and physical infrastructure are already available today. 
> The technology does not compete with other land uses.

Existing carbon removal methods:

AR - Aforestation / Reforestation
SCS - Soil Carbon Sequestration
BC - Biochar
BECCS - Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage
DACCS - Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage
ERW - Enhanced Rock Weathering

(Bubble size represents total CDR potential)

How we do it

The present voluntary carbon market is highly fragmented and does not inspire confidence due to:

  • a lack of transparency
  • absence of international standards
  • no endorsment from the scientific community
reverce provides a consolidated approach!

Our Approach


The science behind

We reverse carbon emissions through scientifically developed methods that are based on natural processes.

If you'd like to know more about how our approach works, we invite you to take a deeper look.



research fields in Greence

Enhanced Rock Weathering field experiments in Greece, 2022

Our Partners

Team & Stucture


Klaus Gumpp


Klaus has an extensive entrepreneurial background. He has been building up and scaling multi-national companies in the business process outsourcing industry for over 20 years.

[Why I believe in reverce]
reverce is based on the passionate collaboration of science and entrepreneurship.
We strive to preserve the environment for a livable world today and for future generations.

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Jan Lohse                  

Head of Operations

Jan has more than 5 years of experience in Quality Management, IT and international business. For the past 3 years he has been involved in a Start-up context, scaling operational standards internationally.

[Why I believe in reverce]
Raising the necessary funds to accelerate climate-positive measures may only be achieved through a commercially viable model. reverce strives to contribute to a comprehensive solution to climate change, ensuring the continuance of a habitable environment for generations to come.

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Dr. Ingrid Smet

Head of Science

Ingrid applies her scientific background in geochemistry and volcanic rocks to carbon dioxide removal-research since 2020. To turn theory into practice, she set up one of the world’s first extensive field trials in Greece and remains actively involved in the cutting-edge research of Project Carbdown.

[Why I believe in reverce]
Whilst the science of natural carbon removal-methods is still developing, our world urgently needs large-scale development of negative emissions to mitigate the climate crisis. reverce is dedicated to create climate-positive effects based on the continuously evolving scientific understanding.

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Board of Directors

Klaus Gumpp

Klaus has an extensive entrepreneurial background. He has been building up and scaling multi-national companies in the business process outsourcing industry for over 20 years.

[Why I believe in reverce]
reverce is based on the passionate collaboration of science and entrepreneurship.
We strive to preserve the environment for a livable world today and for future generations.

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Ralph Koczwara

Ralph has been an entrepreneur since the age of 15 and has built the IT company Hemmersbach as a global social purpose enterprise with 5.000 employees. He is a founding board member of the CDR organization Negative Emissions Platform in Brussels and an active CDR investor.

[Why I believe in reverce]
Carbon dioxide removal technology will be the key to achieving global climate goals. I see a new multi-billion dollar industry emerging and reverce is at the center of the movement at the earliest possible time. 

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Dirk Paessler

Dirk turned his entrepreneurial focus from IT to climate in 2018. He has (co-)founded more than a dozen companies and organisations in 40 years. As CEO of the Carbon Drawdown Initiative, he works on climate projects involving science (mostly focused on enhanced rock weathering), impact investment and policy. He is vice president and board member of the CDR organization Negative Emissions Platform in Brussels.

[Why I believe in reverce]
Science, business and operations must be orchestrated with entrepreneurial spirit to overcome the huge challenges involved in scaling up negative emissions to climate relevance. This is what happens at reverce.

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Ralf Steffens

Ralf has an engineering background with more than 20 years of experience in the automotive-, packaging- and automation industry. Searching for a new purpose for his skills, he joined the Carbon Drawdown Initiative as the CTO, working closely with Dirk since its inception. He joins forces with a great team of scientists in Project Carbdown and tackles all technical aspects of its studies.

[Why I believe in reverce]
reverce wants to counter climate change by scaling the most suitable negative-emission technologies. There is an urgent need for scientist and entrepreneurs to join forces to achieve climate-positive effects. This is what reverce aims for.

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Scientific Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Jelle Bijma


Jelle has been studying the global carbon cycle for more than 30 years and coordinated many (inter)national projects on ocean acidification. In 1992, he joined the Alfred-Wegener-Institute and brought together biologists, geologists and physicists in an interdisciplinary "Carbon Working Group", from which the research field “Marine Biogeosciences” emerged. Together with Dirk Paessler he initiated Project Carbdown in 2020, to develop the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) for ERW.
[Why I believe in reverce]
The bottleneck of the climate crisis is not so much science itself, but rather the upscaling of negative emission technologies (NETs).
It is imperative that we create an exponentially growing market for NETs. Above all, it must be ensured that the measures are scientifically sound, that carbon dioxide is effectively removed from the atmosphere, and that negative impacts are avoided.

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Prof. Dr. Sara Vicca

Scientific Advisor

Sara is a Professor at the Department of Bioscience Engineering at the University of Antwerp. Her research has centered on the interactions between terrestrial ecosystems and climate change, particularly focusing on carbon and nutrient cycling and ecosystem-climate feedbacks. The urgency of the climate crisis has led her  to pivot towards research on nature-based climate solutions like accelerated silicate weathering and organic carbon storage in soil, with a strong emphasis on both potentials and risks. She co-founded scientists4climate, a group of Belgian scientists who use their expertise and knowledge to support the public debate on climate change with scientific facts.

[Why I believe in reverce]
At reverce, we share a commitment to scientifically robust, scalable climate solutions. The certified, measurable approach mirrors my dedication to evidence-based, actionable solutions, bridging the gap between rigorous science and practical implementation. As a member of the advisory board, I am eager to contribute my expertise towards our collective goal of addressing the climate crisis.

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Prof. Dr. Phil Renforth

Scientific Advisor

Phil’s research combines skills in civil and chemical engineering, engineering geology, and geochemistry to investigate methods of atmospheric CO2 removal through reaction with rocks and minerals. He is a Professor of Carbon Dioxide Removal at Heriot-Watt University and an Associate Director of its Research Centre for Carbon Solutions. In 2019, he co-founded and is now co-editor-in-chief of the world’s first dedicated publication on carbon removal (Frontiers in Climate: Carbon Dioxide Removal). He was a contributing author to Working Group III of the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report, and the 2021 National Academies of Science report on A Research Strategy for Ocean-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal.

[Why I believe in reverce]
While enhanced weathering has considerable potential, empirical data exploring its efficacy and feasibility are tentative. The next five years will be critical in the development of this approach, which must be done with transparency and scientific rigor.

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Dr. Simon Rabaa

Scientific Policy Advisor

Simon has an extensive background in the economics and politics of climate change. He is an expert on how to overcome barriers to facilitate change towards a more sustainable society at the individual, corporate and political level.

[Why I believe in reverce]
To mitigate climate change, the world will need to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere on a scale barely conceivable today. At reverce, we are pioneering the development and large-scale implementation of a fast, affordable and permanent way to do this.

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reverce combines decades of experience from business and science.

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